Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Merry Christ Mass! Rejoice! God is among us, today, yesterday and tomorrow! The shepherds were given the Good News by an angelic choir, singing His praises! They went to where they where told they would find this Infant King, not to any palace, but the humble manger. They found just what they had been told they would and left rejoicing and praising God! They were among the first to ever lay eyes on the face of God! Can you even begin to imagine what that could have been like? I know that today we don't seem to hear or even see angelic choirs giving directions on anything. And for most of us it is getting harder to see God, much less His Holy Face, in this tumultuous world we have created. But we have the promises from God, Himself, that if we seek Him, He will find us and save us! He already has! He is the Good Shepherd seeking His lost! He is the jubilant Father, rejoicing over the return of His prodigal child (us)! Remember, God is the promise maker! God is the promise keeper! Seek Him for He is seeking you! Come home to Him, He waits with open arms to embrace us! Be the face of God in this dark and fret filled world! His plan is perfect! #nosmallfaith #kyeoj #TheJesusMovement @gee43 @gee543

Saturday, December 10, 2016


This passage calls to memory the hymn, This Little Light of Mine. I can hear my four year old daughter singing out very loudly, how she was going to let it shine! She is no longer that four year old but I look at her and still see that special Light, planted in faith deep with in her, shining brightly wherever she goes! My prayer is that, that same Light, John bore wittiness to, is still shining in and through me. We are all called during this Season of Advent to take stock of our faith walk. The world seems to be as dark as ever these days. Wars! Riots! Injustices! Bigotry! Fear! Little or no respect! Have you room for His Light to grow with in you? Have you sought a way out of this darkness? He is waiting for you to answer if there is room for Him. You are the innkeeper. Remember, God is the promise maker! God is the promise keeper! Even a little light casts out darkness! His plan, LOVE, is perfect for each of us! LET HIM SHINE! #nosmallfaith #kyeoj #TheJesusMovement @gee43 @gee543 

Wednesday, December 7, 2016


His love is so great for all of His creation that He put on the mantle of humanity and came to walk among us. When we go to Him with our cares, our sorrows, our hurts, pain and dispare, He knows exactly how we feel. He knows our struggles and how hard it is to hold on throughout the twists and turns of our journey. It is not by my faith alone, for there are times I know I can't take another step forward, but by His faith in me. Giving Him my doubt, while He carries me to the next mountain top. He is God, the promise maker! He is God the promise keeper! His plan for you and me is perfect and complete! He LOVES each of us into His kingdom! Open our hearts today, lets us have room for His LOVE to grow BIG in us! #nosmallfaith #kyeoj #TheJesusMovement @gee43 @gee543 

Sunday, December 4, 2016


Remember, God is the promise maker! God is the promise keeper! It's not that hard to follow His plan! LOVE ❤️ #nosmallfaith #kyeoj #TheJesusMovement @gee43 @gee543 

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Remember, God is the promise maker! God is the promise keeper! He has a plan! He gave Himself so that "The Plan" would work! There is nothing we need do but accept and believe! No matter what Satan and this world can through at us can take over the Power of God's LOVE! I've read the end of the BOOK! Satan, has read the end of the BOOK! GOD WINS! Shout it out, brothers and sisters! There is power in the BLOOD! THERE IS VICTORY IN JESUS! Hold on, you're going to make! Thanks to GOD's PERFECT PLAN! LOVE! #nosmallfaith #kyeoj #TheJesusMovement @gee43 @gee543

Friday, November 18, 2016



Thank you for hot water, that eases my aching joints when I shower! Thank you for the gift of taste and all the flavors that fill my plate daily! Thank you for sound and the sweetest songs of nature that fill the air! Thank you for smell, especially when baking cookies or roasting dinner! Thank you for sight, when we witness your sunrise and sunsets! Thank you for memories, when I think of my childhood or of my babies now that are grown! Thank you for love, for the mate you have given me and the strength you gave him not to give up on me! Thank you for mercy, you shower me with daily! Thank you for grace, that you cover and protect me with! Thank you for any and all skills I may have that has made it possible to provide for and contribute to my family! Most of all, thank you for YOU! Remembering, God is the promise maker! God is the promise keeper! Your plans are perfect for all of us! #nosmallfaith #kyeoj #TheJesusMovement @gee43 @gee543

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Praise HIM

If I do nothing else today but rise from my slumber, let it be known that it is His power and His alone, that is working in me and sparked my soul to life! May all I do and say this day, bring nothing but glory to His HOLY NAME! Remember, God is the promise maker! God is the promise keeper! His plans for us are perfect! #nosmallfaith #kyeoj #TheJesusMovement @gee43 @gee543

Monday, November 7, 2016



There is nothing I most likely wouldn't do if I could keep someone I loved from being hurt or in danger. Even seeing my children sick with colds I would often pray that it would be me going through the fight of getting well. Seeing my husband in pain from his injured back and needing several major surgeries I prayed that it had been me and not him in all that pain. It's not because I didn't want to care for them, but rather I didn't want them to have to suffer. I know that is what God our Father feels for each of us.  He sees, know and feels our pain and anguish as we struggle daily to get through. To find the path back to our heavenly home. But unlike myself, my Father took care of that! He sent Jesus, my Lord, to open the path back to Him. He made sure the cost and sickness of this world was paid in full and restored my connection. Yes, I still have deep valleys to travel and some very high mountains to climb but I can trust that He is with me all the way. And if I happen to miss the mark, which is like always, I have His word that my ransom from my situation is paid in full. Remember, God is the promise maker! God is the promise keeper! He, and He alone, gives us freely this much love! His plans are perfect for each of us! #nosmallfaith #kyeoj #TheJesusMovement @gee43 @gee543

Friday, November 4, 2016


We all have the inherent desire to feel needed, wanted, belonging, accepted, understood, valued, a part of "community." Often to the point of loosing any resemblance of who we are and were meant to be. Willing to do almost anything to fill the void in our hearts and souls just too feel we are accepted by "our peers."it's hard to choose to "buck the system." But if I claim to be trying to follow the teachings of a Jewish Carpenter, who not only "bucked the system," but defeated and destroyed it, then why am I giving it so much control over my life. Yes, of course, I do care how the world sees and accepts  me! I still want and need to feel love and being a part of community, but I have found it far more important to desire how God sees me and accepts me then the world He has defeated. Remember, God is the promise maker! God is the promise keeper! For if I gain the world and loose my soul I ave not won anything. Trust God, His way is perfect! #nosmallfaith #kyeoj #TheJesusMovement @gee43 @gee543

Thursday, November 3, 2016


With joy in our hearts, we should come boldly before the throne of Our Lord and shout out praises for all He does for us daily. Be ever mindful, God is the promise maker! God is the promise keeper! Shout with joy and praise for He is our strength. #nosmallfaith #kyeoj #TheJesusMovement @gee43 @gee543 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Remember, God is THE promise maker! God is THE promise keeper! He never brings us to something He doesn't bring us through! His plans are perfect for each of us! #nosmallfaith #kyeoj #TheJesusMovement @gee43 @gee543 

Monday, October 31, 2016


Walk as a child of the LIGHT! Be the LIGHT of HOPE in a dark world. Bring the LIGHT of LOVE to all you encounter daily! For if you have made Jesus Christ your LORD, you no longer have the darkness of hopelessness with in you. Even one ray of LIGHT casts our darkness. Remember, God is the promise maker! God is the promise keeper! His plans are perfect! #nosmallfaith #kyeoj #TheJesusMovement @gee43 @gee543 

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Hold On


Trouble all around? Darkness about to over take you? Look up! Rejoice! God does not bring us to a dark place and just abandons us. Remember, God is the promise maker! God is the promise keeper! He will never leave us or desert us in times of trouble. #nosmallfaith #kyeoj #TheJesusMovement @gee43 @gee543 


God is the Promise Maker! God is the Promise Keeper! All His ways are perfect. #nosmallfaith #kyeoj #TheJesusMovement @gee543 @gee43 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


I love my Lord, not because someone told me I have to, but because I can see Him and feel Him working with me and in me daily. By all worldly reason I should not still be here. Saying this I admit to having put myself in "harms" way far too many times. Yet by some miracle seven plus decades later, here I am! It's not always a dramatic, "biblical" awakening when I realize God once again heard my cries and saved me from the pit!  It is in reflection that I see His mighty Hands guiding me, encouraging my forward steps and encasing me in His LOVE ❤️ and GRACE.  One thing is certain! I will continue to be human and get myself lost to my feelings and need His deliverance daily. But, I can be assured, He will always be here and answer my call. Remember, God is the promise maker! God is the promise keeper! His plan for each of us is perfect.  If you have tried everything else, maybe it's time to try things His way! We have nothing to loose and life eternal to gain! #nosmallfaith #kyeoj #TheJesusMovement @gee43 @gee543

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Remember, God is the promise maker! God is the promise keeper! We are saved by Grace ❤️the LOVE and Mercy of our Father. He has set us free! For if we live by the law we will die by the law. This does not mean we are a lawless people. NOT AT ALL! But if we live to Love GOD with all our heart and being and love our neighbors as ourselves THE LAW is full filled! Come to Jesus! He is the Bread of ETERNAL LIFE! JESUS alone will quench our thirst for forgiveness and righteousness. Sing out His praise! #nosmallfaith #kyeoj #TheJesusMovement @gee43 @gee543 

Sunday, October 23, 2016


Remember, what He has done for us! Remember, what He does for us! Remember, what He will do for us! When are called to be the channel through which His LOVE ❤️ and GRACE flows to all. He is the promise maker! He is the promise keeper! #nosmallfaith #kyeoj #TheJesusMovement @gee43 @gee543 

Thursday, October 20, 2016


Think we all know one person who just seems to thrive on worry! Also on would of, could of and should of. Don't get me wrong. It's not like I never worry or never think, would, could or should. I do, I'm human. But I have also learned staying up all night to worry only made things worse with the sunrise! And projecting negative energy into the future just drained me to have energy to handle today! Remember, God is the promise maker! God is the promise keeper! If I allow Him to lead my steps and follow His path, I have to need to fear for He has promised to all ways be here! #nosmallfaith #kyeoj #TheJesusMovement @gee43 @gee543 

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


A true friend will never let you rush foolishly into a roaring fire 🔥! While sadly false friend will heap kisses 😘 and praise on you while shoving you in front of a MAC truck speeding at 100 mps! It's hard to take what we would call criticism of what we have done, maybe doing, or planning to do. It also feels so good when you hear cheers from the stands to go on, do whatever you want! Truest friends want us to succeed but not by ramming our heads against brick walls. Look twice at who is cheering you on, and don't let all the praise blind you to cliff your about to fall from. Remember, God is the promise maker! God is the promise keeper! Trust His plan for each of us! Yes, He will be in the midst of any storms we go through but He finds no delight in seeing us blindly off our cliffs! #nosmallfaith #kyeoj #TheJesusMovement @gee43 @gee543 

Monday, October 17, 2016


Remember being asked, "If your friends jump off a bridge are you going to follow and jump too?" My Busha (Grandma) would ask me that all time and then follow up with either another lesson in why following a "mob mentality " is never the best idea. Sadly, being me, I didn't always heed her wise advice. I'm partly a "learn the hard way." Thank God, she and my Savior have great patience and was always there to help me up! I did finely learned to listen to her wisdom and to read even more from my owners manual, the BIBLE! Not claiming to be wise but do encourage not to always follow the loudest or biggest group, heading foolish to jump off a bridge. Have learn that much, it never ends well! Seek sound advice, pray over every situation, actually never cease praying, and sometimes be unique, GO against the flow! Remember, God is the promise maker! God is the promise keeper! He never wants to see us jumping foolish off bridges. He has the perfect plan for each of us, we just need to allow Him to direct our journey! #nosmallfaith #kyeoj #TheJesusMovement @gee43 @gee543 

Sunday, October 16, 2016


Boldly saying that I am a FAITH liver. I want to trust the people who have come into my life with all of my heart. I want to be TRUSTED by the people that have come into my life with all their hearts. Sadly often this trust/FAITH brings less then positive results. Our "humanity" makes living by this trust/FAITH nearly impossible. I know there have been occasions where I could not provide the support, the safe harbor for someone who looked to me in need. I have also found that some of my biggest and most heart breaking times came to pass because of trusting too much in my fellow travelers abilities. Not that either myself or they didn't try our best to be there, but our flawed humanity made it impossible. I have learned that the ONE, which has always been here, carrying me forward when I am too weak, mending my shattered heart, and restoring life to my soul, has never disappointed the trust/FAITH placed in Him. He is the refuge in every storm and my joy/Blessing ALWAYS! Remember, we all live by faith in some form. I have faith that the world, humanity, will always fall short. While my Lord CHRIST JESUS, is stead fast and true. Always my protector. I know HE always has my back. Remember, God is the promise maker! God is the promise keeper! JESUS is the LIGHT leading me to SAFE WATERS. We can trust His plans always in all ways #nosmallfaith #kyeoj #TheJesusMovement  @gee43 @gee543 

Saturday, October 15, 2016


Sometimes I just feel so full that I think I will burst wide open and I'll just run all over the place! No, I'm not referring to eating! It's all about JOY! LOVE! COMPLETENESS! Oh sure, if I stopped to look I have days where I feel the exact opposite! Empty! Rejected! Unfinished! We all have these days! But, my spirit has learned I don't have to dwell with the negatives of this world. If I profess to believe in God and trust Him, what kind of witness would I be if I sat and moaned all day about my pain, my hurts, my disappointments? I know I personally would never want to follow anyone who was miserable and unhappy! But someone, who can take life on, head first, and bring me JOY in my sadness, LIGHT in my darkness, brings LIFE giving LOVE, now that's someone I need to know! Remember, God is the promise maker! God is the promise keeper! He has a promise way for every situation we travel through! We just need to seek His promises, STAND firm in His word, let HIS LOVE flow through us and watch the change in this world! #nosmallfaith #kyeoj #TheJesusMovement @gee43 @gee543 

Friday, September 16, 2016

Silent Words

When we cannot find the words. When our bodies are broken and our spirit drained by life, He hears the deepest moanings of our hearts, and bring us grace to carry us forward. Remember, He is the promise maker and the promise keeper! God has each of us cradled in His hands. He will never leave us or forget us! He has a plan! #nosmallfaith #kyeoj #TheJesusMovement @gee43 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Nut Job

We will stand for hours to see a "celebrity" and not hide our devotion to their works or performances! We will wear tee-shirts declaring our involvement with this cause or that cause. Yet we seem also scared to shout out to the world our involvement and devotion to the One who died, conquered death, and advocates for all of us. CHRIST JESUS! I have heard many reasons why this seems so hard to do, "It's a personal thing!" "I don't want to offend anyone!" "I don't want to appear like a 'Jesus freak'!" Really? Well, I for one don't want to be without my friends in glory! I for one would rather appear as a "Jesus freak," then just another crazy nut job! God is the promise Maker and the promise Keeper! Stand tall and let His love shine through you as a bold witness of His Mercy and Grace. He has the perfect plan, just right for you. #nosmallfaith #kyeoj #TheJesusMovement @gee43

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Jesus Movement 
The darkest of life's storms, God's Love ❤️ and Grace has brought me through! When I didn't think my soul would ever sing again or feel the joy of even a smile, God was there. I sing out now the Joy of the Lord. He has given me VICTORY in JESUS! God is a promise maker! he is a promise Keeper! God has His eye on you and a special plan just fit for your journey! #nosmallfaith #kyeoj #TheJesusMovement @gee43