Friday, September 16, 2016

Silent Words

When we cannot find the words. When our bodies are broken and our spirit drained by life, He hears the deepest moanings of our hearts, and bring us grace to carry us forward. Remember, He is the promise maker and the promise keeper! God has each of us cradled in His hands. He will never leave us or forget us! He has a plan! #nosmallfaith #kyeoj #TheJesusMovement @gee43 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Nut Job

We will stand for hours to see a "celebrity" and not hide our devotion to their works or performances! We will wear tee-shirts declaring our involvement with this cause or that cause. Yet we seem also scared to shout out to the world our involvement and devotion to the One who died, conquered death, and advocates for all of us. CHRIST JESUS! I have heard many reasons why this seems so hard to do, "It's a personal thing!" "I don't want to offend anyone!" "I don't want to appear like a 'Jesus freak'!" Really? Well, I for one don't want to be without my friends in glory! I for one would rather appear as a "Jesus freak," then just another crazy nut job! God is the promise Maker and the promise Keeper! Stand tall and let His love shine through you as a bold witness of His Mercy and Grace. He has the perfect plan, just right for you. #nosmallfaith #kyeoj #TheJesusMovement @gee43

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Jesus Movement 
The darkest of life's storms, God's Love ❤️ and Grace has brought me through! When I didn't think my soul would ever sing again or feel the joy of even a smile, God was there. I sing out now the Joy of the Lord. He has given me VICTORY in JESUS! God is a promise maker! he is a promise Keeper! God has His eye on you and a special plan just fit for your journey! #nosmallfaith #kyeoj #TheJesusMovement @gee43